Honey things

The History of Beekeeping

The man and his relationship with bees goes back to prehistoric times . The bee products for human use is as old as man. The man is "to try and get lost" a simple method of quickly recognized the importance of the hive. Up to 20,000 years old rock paintings in Spain can be seen robbin honey in the Cromagnoni prehistoric rock paintings in the cave Arana (Spain).

Cueva de la Arana (spider cave) in Valencia, Spain Cave paintings Replica

Before the conquest of the territory of Hungary has also engaged in beekeeping in the group of people who live here. The invading Hungarians eltanulták and continued this craft. The first written record dates from 1370, which was the name of the royal apiaries. In these times beekeepers worked with even skeps and gums. This tradition is still preserved in some places in the country.

Straw hives from slender strips of young oak as a framework
The hollow log hive

Man took from the bees not just honey, but the lighting of wax. The honey, mead made​​, and cakes, flavored with wine. Before the start of the industrial production of sugar honey was the only sweetener.

Bee-keeping technology is extremely diverse climate typical of the area determines the types of bees can be kept there, economic and cultural level. (photosare mostly from Eric Tourneret)

Nepal Mexiko
Russia Romania Argentina
New Zeland USA Paris

How honey is made?

Bees play a vital role in many plant species, including many fruit trees for pollination, while the nectar collected from flowers . The nectar 30-90 % water, about 40 % sugar and 1-2 % in different substances. The straw absorbs nectar for bees and honey stomachs transported separately from the hive, where the wax into the cell evacuated . The young bees away and emptied repeatedly absorb, while moving the wings to help excess water evaporation . The absorption and evacuation of the nectar of enzymes, acids, fermentanyagok and hormonal substances are excreted from the system of the bees inside, and they increasingly accumulate in the gathering honey. The ripe honey water content was only between 18-20% . The fact that ripen the honey, the fact shows that the bees begin to cover the wax cells . When a frame is half of the cell covered with wax, the honey is fully ripened, and then can be extracted.

Honey types

There are many honey types. Clear type of honey can b collected from the places where there are a lot of the saim flowers blossoming in one place at once, this may be the locust, linden, canola or sunflower. If the hive is collectingfrom divers type of nectar plants, it will be mixed, then we get a composite type of honey.

Why honey?

Honey is not only delicious but healthy too. Soothing, sort of bowel movements , lowers blood pressure , increases the internal organs, may be useful in the treatment of respiratory tract and strengthens the heart. In addition, calcium helps the conclusion of the bones , and even the treatment of anorexia and anemia may be sufficient. Due to its antiseptic can be used externally , especially in the treatment of various wounds frayed and broken , the honey coated surfaces do not require bandage.

If you are interrested the subject about health and honbeyk, please visit ou section of "Apitherapy".